VUC Syd, FlowFactory, Haderslev Luminex

Om VUC Syd Haderslev, Tønder & Aabenraa

The new adult educational centre VUC Syd on the harbour front in Haderslev in southern Jutland is just such a building, with the projecting site worthy of an opera house. At the same time, the design of both the building exterior and interior is of an extremely high standard. Haderslev thus sends a clear signal to its citizens and the outside.

VUC Syd, FlowFactory, Haderslev Luminex

Completed in 2013 in Haderslev, Denmark. Images by Adam Moerk. The new education centre for VUC Syd in Haderslev, Denmark, has no traditional classrooms. Instead, it appears as a vibrant and.

VUC Haderslev

Awards. Når arkitektur er bedst, har den potentiale til at ændre vores måde at tænke - og agere på. Det nye uddannelsescenter VUC Syd på havnefronten i Haderslev er en sådan bygning. Den fremskudte placering på Haderslev havnefront er et operahus værdig. Samtidig er udformningen af både det ydre og det indre på et meget højt niveau.

VUC Syd, FlowFactory, Haderslev Luminex

The new headquarters for the VUC (adult education center) in southern Denmark was built in Haderslev with an unusual design that optically merges the interior and exterior spaces. The project An atrium spanning the entire height of the interior in combination with the generous use of glass façade ensures that the study rooms are flooded with.

VUC Syd, FlowFactory, Haderslev Luminex

Design: AART Architects Project: New headquarter for VUC (adult education centre), Haderslev, Denmark Type: 1st prize in invited competition Area: 6.500m2. About AART Architects. AART Architects was founded in 2000 by the architects Anders Strange, Anders Tyrrestrup and Torben Skovbjerg.

VUC Haderslev VOLA

Kære HF elev! Studievalg - træffetider i Sønderborg. Hanne Marie Roos fra Studievalg er på VUC i Sønderborg tirsdag d. 16. januar mellem kl. 12.30 og 14.30. Du kan booke en tid til samtale på Spørg i vejledningen, hvis du har problemer med at booke.

VUC Haderslev

The new education centre for VUC Syd in Haderslev, Denmark, has been designed as an atrium building, with a 360° view of the city and the harbour. The education centre provides the setting for a future-oriented educational environment by combining architectural expertise with innovative teaching methods. Thus, the education centre challenges the traditional notion of a school built up on the.

VUC Syd, FlowFactory, Haderslev Luminex

Haderslev, Denmark. The new education centre for VUC Syd, designed by AART architects and Zeni Architects, challenges the traditional notion of a school. It has no traditional classrooms. Instead, it appears as a vibrant and visually engaging educational environment, in which group areas, presentation spaces, dialogue cubicles and quiet zones.

VUC Haderslev

Hf enkeltfag er den fleksible vej til at komme videre. På VUC Syd kan du selv sammensætte din uddannelse efter det, du har brug for. Vi udbyder hf-enkeltfag i Haderslev, Sønderborg, Tønder og Aabenraa samt på vores fjernundervisning.

6100 Haderslev, Danimarca [VUC SYD BY AART ARCHITECTS + ZENI

The screen has a distance between the diodes of 3.9 mm and therefore has a good resolution for e.g. PowerPoint presentations. ProShop Europe has previously supplied a LED trailer for VUC Haderslev. A 16 m² Expromo display, along with a sound system, is mounted on the side of a truck trailer. The truck drives to educational fairs and other.

VUC Haderslev

The new education centre for VUC Syd in Haderslev, Denmark, has no traditional classrooms. Instead, it appears as a vibrant and visually engaging educational environment, in which group areas, presentation spaces, dialogue cubicles and quiet zones allow for a more diverse approach to education. photo : Adam Mørk

VUC Syd, FlowFactory, Haderslev Luminex

VUC Syd har uddannelser fra læsning og regning til hf på højeste gymnasiale niveau. Haderslev | Sønderborg | Tønder | Aabenraa | e-læring/fjernundervisning.

VUC Syd Education centre in Haderslev, Denmark by AART Architects

I Haderslev har VUC Syd til huse på Kroghs Kobbel 2. Ud over 2-årig hf og hf enkeltfag tilbyder vi også almen voksenuddannelse, forberedende voksenundervisning og ordblindeundervisning. Du kan kontakte os på 7361 3333.

VUC Syd Flow Factory Haderslev Tarpgaard

8,600 m2 Acquisition Winning proposal in project competition in 2010 Status Completed in 2013 Architect AART Zeni Arkitekter Engineer Cowi Awards German Design Award Iconic Award VUC Syd's education centre is located at Haderslev Harbour and houses a flexible and digital learning environment. Opens 360˚ towards the city

VUC Syd Flow Factory Haderslev Tarpgaard

VUC Syd HF - Studiebyen Haderslev VUC Tag din uddannelse på VUC Syd - vi underviser i alt fra grundlæggende læsning, skrivning og regning til fag på højeste gymnasiale niveau. Vi har tilbud til alle aldre, og vi er fleksible, så der også er noget, der passer til dig.

VUC Syd Education centre in Haderslev, Denmark by AART Architects

VUC Haderslev Haderslev, Denmark, 2016 Working Creatively in Denmark: the FlowFactory at VUC Haderslev University The banc flexible lounge system, designed by Brunner, the contract furniture manufacturer, creates innovative co-working spaces for students.